Music Q&A with LOCATIONS


Photo by Hannah Turner-Harts

Brooklyn-based band, LOCATIONS is on a mission to unite the working class through engaging music. The band has released a new single titled “MOVES” and with the release of the single, the band also launched a t-shirt fundraiser, which can be purchased HERE. All funds raised will be paid directly to Campaign for NY Health for Fighting for a single-payer healthcare system at the NY state level.

In this Q&A, the band talked about their new single, previously released music, how they keep it posi, and more!

Congratulations on the release of “MOVES”! With this song, you’re aiming to raise awareness and funds for the Campaign for NY Health, whose goal is to make universal healthcare a reality for all New Yorkers. What’s the story behind the song and getting behind Campaign for NY Health?
Thank you so much! We wrote moves during the first band meeting after Niko recovered from a major medical event that put the band on hold for several months. He had been listening to disco all day and wanted to write something upbeat and danceable, Moves poured out of us on an unplugged guitar in under 2 hours.

Thankfully, we have good union jobs and the medical benefits that all people deserve, but it got us thinking about the worst case scenarios. Tens of millions of Americans are uninsured or underinsured. Most reasonable people believe healthcare is a human right. Every other major nation in the world guarantees healthcare for their people. Why not here? How is our system so shitty and backwards?

Eventually we decided it was time to find a group that’s working on a solution, and that’s what led us to the Campaign for NY Health. The NEW YORK HEALTH ACT is a state bill that has been growing support for over 2 decades. It has majority support in both the state senate and the assembly, meaning it has the votes to pass, but Governor Hochul and the leadership is not supporting the bill. Campaign for NY Health is trying to push the New York Health Act across the finish line.

A lot of bands use their music to tackle the issues that need to be addressed. What was the first Locations song you ever wrote about an issue and what was that issue about?
LOUD”! We knew we wanted to write a song that would unite people in anger. It didn’t take long to find a message that resonates with how most people really feel about their elected representatives: THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT US! Most of our elected officials take shit-tons of money from corporations and special interests and then legislate accordingly. They don’t represent the people, they represent who pays them. So we’re yelling about it.

If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
We’ve heard too many people say that politics and music shouldn’t mix, that music should only be an escape. Fuck that. Artists should be using their power to organize and create positive change. To quote the greatest, “Why stand on a silent platform? Fight the war, fuck the norm”.

What is one artist or band that you haven’t seen in concert, that you hope to see someday?
We would have said Rage Against the Machine 2 weeks ago! Now we’re waiting for System of a Down to come back around.

We all have our days where it may not be going as well as we’d like. People deal with their worst days in different ways. What helps you get through the bad days? How do you stay positive?
Listening to music is always the best cure! Seeing it live is even better. If you’re heartbroken, hit some Adele. When I’m depressed and lonely, I like to throw on some Tame Impala. When you get a denial of coverage or a bill that’s bigger than your paycheck, we hope “Moves” will help you stay positive and remind you that there are lots of good people working on changing the system. Circle up with us!

Thank you for taking the time for this Q&A. Any last words or final message for the readers?
Please get involved with the campaign! Any help is better than none. We need regular people like you to decide to fight for change. We’re fundraising for Campaign for NY Health with shirts and a fundraising show in NYC on Sun 10/16 at Our Wicked Lady. BUT, they need people power even more! Sign up for the campaign and please use the power of your time, or at least your voice. We know most people believe Healthcare is a human right. Let’s get most people talking about it!

LOCATIONS on social media and digital streaming platforms:
Twitter | Instagram | Spotify