Music Q&A with DYLYN


Photo courtesy of DYLYN

Last month, Vancouver-based singer/songwriter, DYLYN (aka Gwendolyn Lewis), released her debut album, The Sixty90s! In this Q&A, she talks about the album, who she would love to see in concert someday, and more! The Sixty90s is available on all platforms HERE.

Congratulations on the upcoming release of your album, The Sixty90s! What does this album mean to you?
It wasn’t until recently I realized it’s about balance. The Yin and Yang between heartbreak, love, depression and awakenings. I made a lot of artistic shifts during the making of this album. Turning your grit into gemstones.

What’s your favorite song off the album?
It definitely changes all the time. Especially on the road - we play a lot of these songs every night. Since it’s October, I’d have to say “Hellbound”. I love opening the set with it. This song was the first one written for the album. I remember writing lyrics in the car while it was pouring rain. Felt like a promise to keep going in the realm of music. I really connect to personal power and strength when I sing it.

What is something you learned during the making and creative process of The Sixty90s?
I’ve grown as an artist and a songwriter. Forever humbled by music making. I really enjoyed the production aspect - finding the right ingredients to make you feel certain things. The right amount of gritty guitar tones or the hunt for the magic synth pad. My favorite feeling is the beginning of writing a song, where it could go, what it’ll be. I feel I’ve fallen in love with music all over again.

What is one artist or band that you haven’t seen in concert, that you hope to see someday?
I would have loved to see David Bowie. He was the master chameleon in both sonics and visuals. Id love to see Kendrick Lamar in concert, I’ve heard his energy and stage presence is super powerful. A true stage commander.

We all have our days where it may not be going as well as we’d like. People deal with their worst days in different ways. What helps you get through the bad days? How do you stay positive?
We need the bad days, it makes the good ones even sweeter. I think a big thing is knowing it’s okay to have some shitty ones - process and check in with the emotions. I lean on meditation for a balance and reset. Living in Vancouver, I am lucky enough to be surrounded by bodies of water and mountains. A little stroll around really helps. And of course, music - it heals. I’m also big into painting and photography. Creative outlets are so important - emotional outpours and expression. That’s the magic sauce.

Thank you for taking the time for this Q&A. Any last words or final message for the readers?
Look for your truth. Turn those gritty days into diamonds. Sending love.

DYLYN on social media and digital streaming platforms:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok

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