Music Q&A with DARKMINDS

Photo courtesy of DARKMINDS

Photo courtesy of DARKMINDS

Pop/hip-hop duo, DARKMINDS, have released two albums, Good News and Monument! The duo is comprised of Daniel Ellsworth (Daniel Ellsworth + The Great Lakes, Chaos Emeralds) and Christopher “C4“ Umana (Big Sean, Trey Songz, Kelly Rowland). DARKMINDS took some time to answer some questions about their new albums, their earliest musical memories, who they would interview if they could, and more!

Congratulations on the release of your two albums, Good News and Monument! How was the decision made that there would be two albums released this year?
Thank you! At the beginning of this year, we sat down and realized we had well over an album's worth of songs - we had at least two albums. From the beginning, our mantra with DARKMINDS has always been to not overthink and just follow the music where it wants to go. So, we decided to go for it - two debut albums instead of one. The songs just seemed to make sense that way. Where Good News was a more feel-good, summertime vibe, Monument is a bit darker and more brooding. Still big hooks and overwhelmingly optimistic lyrically, but showcasing a different side of what DARKMINDS can be.
CHRIS: I remember Daniel reaching out to me with a playlist of our music and I never actually heard our music as a complete body of work. Daniel was like we have to put these songs out and he was 100% right. It was time!

Out of the two albums, what is your favorite song? What does that song mean to you?
Man this is tough. I love so many of the songs we’ve made together, but off the top of my head I would say my personal favorite is the song “Redemption” from Monument. I feel like that track really showcases a different side of DARKMINDS. It’s a bit heavier in subject matter than a lot of our other songs and I absolutely love the production elements that C4 brought to that track.
CHRIS: Hmm…that is hard to choose. I would have to say “Give It My All” from the Good News album. The lyrics are so personal and really speak to the journey.  

What is your earliest musical memory?
My earliest musical memories are of my dad playing guitar and singing. As far back as I can remember he’s been playing and singing James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Simon and Garfunkel...all the classic 60’s and 70’s folk. That’s where my initial love for music came from.
CHRIS: Me hanging out in the chorus/choir room playing the piano at my elementary school before the start of 1st period and after some time, looking up to my surprise a crowd gathered around listening to me play popular songs that just came out on the radio. 

Who is your favorite artist/band that is outside of your genre(s)?
This is tricky because I come from the rock world so….outside of my usual rock world AND the more pop world of DARKMINDS? Hmm...I’d probably have to go with Duke Ellington, Bill Evans, or Oscar Peterson. All jazz pianists who were highly influential to me back in my music school days.
CHRIS: James Brown hands down! I could go on and on for hours here, but in short just everything from his band to his stage performance was incredible. 

Who has been your favorite artist to see live?
I have 3. Paul Simon, Wilco, and Kendrick Lamar.
CHRIS: Beyonce and Jay-Z.

If you had a chance to interview any of your musical heroes, who would it be and why?
Either Paul Simon or David Byrne. They are two of my favorite songwriters of all-time and I would love to pick their brain in-depth about their writing processes. Also, I feel like both have had long careers where they continue to push themselves out of their comfort zones and explore new things. That’s massively inspiring to me.
CHRIS: Pharrell and Timbaland. They both have had such a great influence on my production and I would love to know more about their approach to some of my favorite records that they produced.  

What is your favorite thing about making music?
Working with other people to create something beautiful from nothing every single day. It will never not be amazing to me that I get to do that for a living. 
CHRIS: The art of collaboration and the freedom of expression.

How do you stay positive?
Spending time with people I love helps keep me positive. Human connection. The world is a lot right now and we need each other. Also petting my dog, getting outside, meditation, and weed all help too. 
CHRIS: Praying, working out, eating healthy and getting to bed on time.

Any last words or final message for the readers?
Love your neighbor. Wear a mask. Get vaccinated. Let’s get through this.
CHRIS: Enjoy life. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Finish what you start.

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